API: host-accounts

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Administrative functions require API root rights in order to use any login hosted on the server. If you do not have root rights, you can only use your login.
Incoming data marked with an asterisk are required.



Incoming data

Error variants


Viewing the data of the host account (you can do it without api_full, but only if the host account's username is the same).


login (post or get) * - username;

pass (post or get) * - user password;

hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;

getlistacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;

language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default);

panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.

error: 0, mess: 'Information was received successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while receiving data';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel'.


Change shell access for an account (it is possible without api_full, but only if the host account's username is the same).


ogin (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
changeshellacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
shell (post or get) * - enable / disable shell access (can be yes / no);
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default);
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'Shell access was changed successfully. Current value: on / off ';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while trying to change access to the shell';
error: 2, mess: 'The shell parameter contains an invalid value. Possible values: yes / no ';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel'.


Change the language for the account (it is possible without api_full, but only if the host account's username is the same).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
changelangacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
lang (post or get) * - change the language (can be en / ru);
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default);
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'The selected language has been successfully installed, the current one is ru / en';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while trying to change the language';
error: 2, mess: 'The lang parameter contains an invalid value. Possible values: ru / en ';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel'.


Editing host account (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
edituseracc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
lg (post or get) - username;
ps (post or get) - change password;
ip (post or get) - change or add IP (separated by commas);
group (post or get) - change the group;
plan (post or get) - change the plan;
lang (post or get) - change the language;
emailboxes (post or get) - change the number of mailboxes;
bandwidth (post or get) - change traffic, specified in MB;
sites (post or get) - change the number of sites;
databases (post or get) - change the number of mysql databases;
subdomains (post or get) - change the number of subdomains;
mailperhour (post or get) - change the number of letters per hour;


disk (post or get) - change the size of the disk space (specified in MB);
ftp_accounts (post or get) - change the number of ftp accounts;
shell_access (post or get) - access was in progress, maybe n / y;
owner (post or get) - change the owner.
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default);
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'New parameters for the user have been successfully applied';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while changing parameters for the user: <login>';
error: 2, mess: 'No group was found';
error: 3, mess: 'The specified group does not exist for this user';
error: 4, mess: 'Login name must contain at least 4 characters';
error: 5, mess: 'The new password must contain at least 7 characters';
error: 6, mess: 'The shell value contains an invalid value. Allowed y / n ';
error: 7, mess: 'No plan was found';
error: 8, mess: 'The specified plan does not exist for this user';
error: 9, mess: 'Invalid language specified. Allowed values ​​are ru / en ';
error: 10, mess: '<params_name> - only digits 0-9 are allowed';
error: 11, mess: 'The specified ip-address is invalid';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights';
error: 100, mess: 'You are not authorized to perform this operation'.


Remove host account (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
deluseracc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'The user was successfully deleted';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while deleting the user';
error: 2, mess: 'There is no such user in the system';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights';
error: 100, mess: 'You are not authorized to perform this operation'.


Blocking the host account completely and partially (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
suspendacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
action - parameter, type of blocking
suspend_ftp (post or get) - block ftp;
suspend_sites (post or get) - block sites;
suspend_shell (post or get) - block the shell;
suspend_cron (post or get) - block crowns;
suspend_panel (post or get) - block the runel;
suspend_full (post or get) - block completely
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'Locks were successfully applied for user: <login>';
error: 1, mess: 'There is nothing to block for the user: <login>';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Unlock host account (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
unsuspendacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
action - parameter, unlock type
unsuspend_ftp (post or get) - unblock ftp;
unsuspend_sites (post or get) - unblock sites;
unsuspend_shell (post or get) - unblock the shell;
unsuspend_cron (post or get) - unblock crowns;
unsuspend_panel (post or get) - unlock the runel;
unsuspend_full (post or get) - Unblock completely
panel_user (post or get) - ISP username to which the operation is applied.
error: 0, mess: 'Unlock was successfully applied to user: <login>';
error: 1, mess: 'There is nothing to unblock for the user: <login>';
error: 1000, mess: 'You do not have permission to administer this user';
error: 1001, mess: 'There is no such user in the ISP-panel';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


List of host accounts (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;

pass (post or get) * - user password;

hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;

listuseracc (post or get) * - constant, operation name.

error: 0, mess: 'User list was received successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'No user was found';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Create a host account (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
adduseracc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
$ lg (post or get) * - the name of the new user;
$ ps (post or get) * - new user password;
plan (post or get) * - the name of the tariff plan;
group (post or get) * - group name;
ip (post or get) * - change or add IP (separated by commas).
error: 0, mess: 'The new user was added successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while adding a new user';
error: 2, mess: 'The specified group was not found';
error: 3, mess: 'The specified tariff plan was not found';
error: 4, mess: 'Login name must contain at least 4 characters';
error: 5, mess: 'Password must contain at least 7 characters';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


List of subscription plans (only with apifull included).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
listplanacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name.
error: 0, mess: 'The list of subscription plans was successfully received';
error: 1, mess: 'No subscription plan was found';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Subscription plan view (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
viewplanacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
plan (post or get) * - the name of the subscription plan.

error: 0, mess: 'Subscription plan data was received successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while receiving data about the subscription plan';
error: 2, mess: 'The specified subscription plan does not exist';
error: 3, mess: 'Subscription plan name is not specified'.


Subscription plan editing (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
editplanacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
plan (post or get) * - the name of the tariff plan for editing;
bandwidth (post or get) - bandwidth in MB;
disk (post or get) - amount of disk space in MB;
sites (post or get) - number of sites;
dns_zones (post or get) * - number of dns zones;
subdomains (post or get) - the number of subdomains;
databases (post or get) - number of mysql databases;
emailboxes (post or get) - number of mailboxes;
mailperhour (post or get) - the number of letters per hour;
ftp_accounts (post or get) - the number of ftp accounts;
ip (post or get) - change IP (separated by commas);
shell (post or get) - shell availability - y / n;
owner (post or get) - owner;
lang (post or get) - language (ru / en)
error: 0, mess: 'The subscription plan was edited successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while editing the subscription plan';
error: 2, mess: 'The specified subscription plan does not exist';
error: 3, mess: 'The shell value contains an invalid value. Allowed y / n ';
error: 4, mess: 'Invalid language specified. Allowed values ​​are ru / en ';
error: 10, mess: '<params_name> - only digits 0-9 are allowed';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights';
error: 101, mess: 'You are not authorized to perform this operation'.


Adding a subscription plan (only with apifull included).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
addplanacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
plan (post or get) * - the name of the new tariff plan;
bandwidth (post or get) * - bandwidth in Mb;
disk (post or get) * - amount of disk space in MB;
sites (post or get) * - number of sites;
dns_zones (post or get) * - number of dns zones;
subdomains (post or get) * - the number of subdomains;
databases (post or get) * - number of mysql databases;
emailboxes (post or get) * - number of mailboxes;
mailperhour (post or get) * - number of letters per hour;
ftp_accounts (post or get) * - number of ftp accounts;
shell (post or get) * - shell availability (y / n);
ip (post or get) - add IP (separated by commas);
owner (post or get) - owner ("" by default);
lang (post or get) - language (ru / en).
error: 0, mess: 'The new subscription plan was created successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while creating a new subscription plan';
error: 2, mess: 'This subscription plan already exists';
error: 3, mess: 'Incorrect name of the new subscription plan is specified';
error: 4, mess: 'The shell value contains an invalid value. Allowed y / n ';
error: 5, mess: 'Invalid language specified. Allowed values ​​are ru / en ';
error: 10, mess: '<params_name> - only digits 0-9 are allowed';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights';
error: 101, mess: 'You are not authorized to perform this operation'.


Subscription plan removal (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
delplanacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
plan (post or get) * - the name of the new subscription plan to be deleted.

error: 0, mess: 'The subscription plan was successfully deleted';

error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while deleting the subscription plan';

error: 2, mess: 'This subscription plan does not exist';

error: 3, mess: 'The name of the subscription plan to be deleted is not specified';

error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights';

error: 101, mess: 'You are not authorized to perform this operation'.


List of groups (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
listgroupacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name.
error: 0, mess: 'Group list was received successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'No group was found';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Group view (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
viewgroupacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
group (post or get) * - group name.
error: 0, mess: 'Group data was successfully received';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while receiving data about the group; '<groupname>;
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Adding a group (only with apifull enabled).


group (post or get) * - group name;
Administrative options
root (post or get) - Full access;
api (post or get) - API access;
group_apifull (post or get) - Full API access (administrator);
speedtest (post or get) - Measurement of the server channel speed;
csf (post or get) - CSF Firewall management;
network_tools_connections (post or get) - Monitor connections;
transfer (post or get) - Transfer management;
certs_control_service (post or get) - SSL service management;
smart_mon (post or get) - View SMART monitoring;
hardware_info (post or get) - View information about the server;
server_control_serverstatus (post or get) - View the status of the web server;
mysql_processlist (post or get) - View MYSQL processes;
server_info (post or get) - Process manager;
ssh (post or get) - SSH management;
packet_manager (post or get) - Access to the application manager;
bindserver_cluster (post or get) - DNS cluster management;
bindserver_nameservers (post or get) - Manage default nameservers;
bindserver_install (post or get) - Installation and removal of a name server;
blacklist (post or get) - Blacklists;
mailserver_queue (post or get) - Mail queue management;
mailserver_install (post or get) - Manage mail services;
mysql_install (post or get) - Installation removing MYSQL / PHPMYADMIN;
server_control_install (post or get) - Manage the installation of the web server, PCP;
install (post or get) - Manage Brainy update;
ipmanager (post or get) - IP addresses management;
group_hostacc (post or get) - Manage host accounts;
properties (post or get) -> Show server settings;
adminpanel (post or get) -> Admin panel;
users_management (post or get) -> User Management;
mailclient_antvirus (post or get) -> Mail antivirus management;
mailclient_spamassasin (post or get) -> Anti-spam management;
server_control_www (post or get) -> Site Management;
mailserver_customazing (post or get) -> Configuring mail service;
Custom parameters
hostacc_change_chell_user (post or get) -> Configuring mail service;
antivirus (post or get) -> Manage antivirus;
backup (post or get) -> Manage backups;
certs_control_sites (post or get) -> SSL management of sites;
monitor (post or get) -> Service monitoring management;
logging (post or get) -> Logging;
web_statistics (post or get) -> Manage statistics processing tools;
d_average_load (post or get) -> View average load;
traffic_usage (post or get) -> View traffic usage;
ftp (post or get) -> FTP Management;
crontab (post or get) -> CRON management;
filemanager (post or get) -> Access to the file manager;
autoins (post or get) -> Access to the CMS autoinstaller;
bindserver_zones (post or get) -> Manage DNS zones;
mailclient_statiscs (post or get) -> Mail statistics;
mailclient_filters (post or get) -> Manage mail filters;
mailclient_dkim (post or get) -> DKIM management;
mailserver_spf (post or get) -> SPF management;
mailclient (post or get) -> Manage mail accounts;
mysql_dbs (post or get) -> Database Management;
server_control_www_user (post or get) -> Site Management;
php_ini (post or get) -> PHP.ini configuration;
webserver_config (post or get) -> Individual customization of virtual hosts;
error_pages (post or get) -> Error pages;
optimization (post or get) -> Website optimization;
apacserver_redirect (post or get) -> Set web redirect;
apacserver_https (post or get) -> Setting HTTP / HTTPS redirection;
apacserver_password (post or get) -> Setting the password for the directory;
function_anyemaildomain (post or get) -> Create mailboxes with any domain;
error: 0, mess: 'The new group was added successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while adding a new group';
error: 2, mess: 'This group already exists';
error: 3, mess: 'Invalid value for new group specified';
error: 4, mess: '<paramname> - the parameter is specified incorrectly. May be y / n / "" (empty string) ';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Group editing (only with apifull enabled).


group (post или get)* — group name;

Administrative options
root (post or get) - Full access;
api (post or get) - API access;
group_apifull (post or get) - Full API access (administrator);
speedtest (post or get) - Measurement of the server channel speed;
csf (post or get) - CSF Firewall management;
network_tools_connections (post or get) - Monitor connections;
transfer (post or get) - Transfer management;
certs_control_service (post or get) - SSL service management;
smart_mon (post or get) - View SMART monitoring;
hardware_info (post or get) - View information about the server;
server_control_serverstatus (post or get) - View the status of the web server;
mysql_processlist (post or get) - View MYSQL processes;
server_info (post or get) - Process manager;
ssh (post or get) - SSH management;
packet_manager (post or get) - Access to the application manager;
bindserver_cluster (post or get) - DNS cluster management;
bindserver_nameservers (post or get) - Manage default nameservers;
bindserver_install (post or get) - Installation and removal of a name server;
blacklist (post or get) - Blacklists;
mailserver_queue (post or get) - Mail queue management;
mailserver_install (post or get) - Manage mail services;
mysql_install (post or get) - Installation removing MYSQL / PHPMYADMIN;
server_control_install (post or get) - Manage the installation of a web server, PCP;
install (post or get) - Manage Brainy update;
ipmanager (post or get) - IP addresses management;
group_hostacc (post or get) - Manage host accounts;
properties (post or get) -> Show server settings;
adminpanel (post or get) -> Admin panel;
users_management (post or get) -> User Management;
mailclient_antvirus (post or get) -> Mail antivirus management;
mailclient_spamassasin (post or get) -> Anti-spam management;
server_control_www (post or get) -> Site Management;
mailserver_customazing (post or get) -> Configuring mail service;

Custom parameters
hostacc_change_chell_user (post or get) -> Configuring mail service;
antivirus (post or get) -> Manage antivirus;
backup (post or get) -> Manage backups;
certs_control_sites (post or get) -> SSL management of sites;
monitor (post or get) -> Service monitoring management;
logging (post or get) -> Logging;
web_statistics (post or get) -> Manage statistics processing tools;
d_average_load (post or get) -> View average load;
traffic_usage (post or get) -> View traffic usage;
ftp (post or get) -> FTP Management;
crontab (post or get) -> CRON management;
filemanager (post or get) -> Access to the file manager;
autoins (post or get) -> Access to the CMS autoinstaller;
bindserver_zones (post or get) -> Manage DNS zones;
mailclient_statiscs (post or get) -> Mail statistics;
mailclient_filters (post or get) -> Manage mail filters;
mailclient_dkim (post or get) -> DKIM management;
mailserver_spf (post or get) -> SPF management;
mailclient (post or get) -> Manage mail accounts;
mysql_dbs (post or get) -> Database Management;
server_control_www_user (post or get) -> Site Management;
php_ini (post or get) -> PHP.ini configuration;
webserver_config (post or get) -> Individual customization of virtual hosts;
error_pages (post or get) -> Error pages;
optimization (post or get) -> Website optimization;
apacserver_redirect (post or get) -> Set web redirect;
apacserver_https (post or get) -> Setting HTTP / HTTPS redirection;
apacserver_password (post or get) -> Setting the password for the directory;
function_anyemaildomain (post or get) -> Create mailboxes with any domain;
error: 0, mess: 'The group was edited successfully';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while editing the group' ;;
error: 2, mess: 'The specified group was not found or not defined'
error: 3, mess: '<paramname> - the parameter is set incorrectly. May be y / n / "" (empty string) ';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.


Removing a group (only with apifull enabled).


login (post or get) * - username;
pass (post or get) * - user password;
hostacc (post or get) * - constant, module name;
delgroupacc (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
group (post or get) * - group name.
error: 0, mess: 'The group was successfully deleted';
error: 1, mess: 'An error occurred while deleting the group';
error: 2, mess: 'This group does not exist';
error: 3, mess: 'Group name is not defined or is invalid';
error: 1003, mess: 'You do not have administrator rights'.

Other useful articles:

API: connection

API: monitoring

API: web server status

API: auto installer CMS

API: configuring backups

API: transfer between servers

API: antivirus

API: server settings

API: web server management

API: database

API: custom certificates

API: mailbox management

API: server information

API: mail

API: DNS zone management

API: traffic usage

API: client mailboxes

API: web server installation

API: logging

API: name server

API: host accounts

API: application manager

API: service certificates


API: process manager

API: network tools

API: FTP server

API: IP address manager

API: average load

API: MySQL processlist