API: MySQL processlist

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Administrative functions require API root rights in order to use any login hosted on the server. If you do not have root rights, you can only use your login.

Incoming data marked with an asterisk are required.



Incoming data

Error variants


MySQL processes.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
dbusage (post or get) * - constant, module name;
processlist (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'MySql processes'.
error: 100, mess: 'The list of MySql processes is empty';
error: 400, mess: 'Unfortunately, the module is not available to you.'


Start, stop, restart MySQL.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
dbusage (post or get) * - constant, module name;
controls (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
operation (post or get) * - start, stop, restart (start, restart, stop);
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Command completed', detail [Console response when executing command];
error: 100, mess: 'The command is not correct', detail [List of commands];
error: 400, mess: 'Unfortunately, the module is not available to you.'


Change root-password for MySQL.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
dbusage (post or get) * - constant, module name;
change_password (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
new_password (post or get) * - new password (better to send POST);
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'The mysql root password has been changed';
error: 100, mess: 'Empty password value that is changing';
error: 101, mess: 'Mysql server is down. Please contact your administrator ';
error: 102, mess: 'Error connecting to the database. Please contact your administrator ';
error: 103, mess: 'Error in data transfer. Try later';
error: 400, mess: 'Unfortunately, the module is not available to you.'


Change settings for MySQL.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
dbusage (post or get) * - constant, module name;
change_setting (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
bind_address (POST or GET);
long_query_time (POST or GET);
old_password (POST or GET);
interactive_timeout (POST or GET);
wait_timeout (POST or GET);
connect_timeout (POST or GET);
key_buffer (POST or GET);
join_buffer (POST or GET);
join_buffer_size (POST or GET);
max_allowed_packet (POST or GET);
table_cache (POST or GET);
sort_buffer (POST or GET);
record_buffer (POST or GET);
thread_cache_size (POST or GET);
max_user_connections (POST or GET);
thread_concurrency (POST or GET);
myisam_sort_buffer_size (POST or GET);
max_heap_table_size (POST or GET);
tmp_table_size (POST or GET);
innodb_buffer_pool_size (POST or GET);
query_cache_limit (POST or GET);
query_cache_size (POST or GET);
query_cache_type (POST or GET);
symbolic_links (POST or GET);
log_error (POST or GET);
pid_file (POST or GET).
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'The mysql root password has been changed';
error: 100, mess: 'Empty password value that is changing';
error: 101, mess: 'Mysql server is down. Please contact your administrator ';
error: 102, mess: 'Error connecting to the database. Please contact your administrator ';
error: 103, mess: 'Error in data transfer. Try later';
error: 400, mess: 'Unfortunately, the module is not available to you';
error: 0, mess: 'Configuration parameters saved';
error: 100, mess: Error saving parameters';
error: 101, mess: 'No access to configuration files';
error: 400, mess: 'Unfortunately, the module is not available to you.'

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API: MySQL processlist