API: Antivirus

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Administrative functions require API root rights in order to use any login hosted on the server. If you do not have root rights, you can only use your login.
Incoming data marked with an asterisk are required.




Incoming data

Error variants


Checking catalog.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
antivirus (post or get) * - constant, module name;
scan_folder (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
auto_carantine (post or get) - default = 0;
auto_delete (post or get) * - default = 0;
user_edit (post or get) - the name of the user being edited;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Scanning completed successfully', detail;
error: 1, mess: 'Scanning completed with an error', detail;
error: 10, mess: 'Scan time exceeded';
error: 100, mess: 'The directory does not exist';
error: 400, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights. Remove user_edit '.


Viewing scan results.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
antivirus (post or get) * - constant, module name;
show_history (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
id_history (post or get) - id of the viewed history;
user_edit (post or get) - the name of the user being edited;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Scan history received';
error: 100, mess: 'The file being viewed is empty';
error: 101, mess: 'There is no such history id';
error: 400, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights. Remove user_edit '.


Displaying scan history for users.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
antivirus (post or get) * - constant, module name;
scan_history (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
user_edit (post or get) - the name of the user being edited;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Scan history received';
error: 100, mess: 'The array of scan history is empty';
error: 400, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights. Remove user_edit '.


Updating antivirus database.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
antivirus (post or get) * - constant, module name;
update_antivirus (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Request completed', detail;
error: 1, mess: 'The update was completed with an error', detail;
error: 100, mess: 'The directory does not exist';
error: 400, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights. Remove user_edit ';
error: 401, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights'.


Clear antivirus history.


username (post or get) * - username;
password (post or get) * - user password;
antivirus (post or get) * - constant, module name;
clear_history (post or get) * - constant, operation name;
language (post or get) - can take the value: en / ru (ru by default).
error: 0, mess: 'Update was successful';
error: 400, mess: 'You do not have sufficient rights. Remove user_edit '.

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