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8 guidelines to help you overcome stress <img src="ГЎncer26.jpg"> <a href=>modafinil 200mg price</a>

п»їStress is a natural response of our body that has allowed our ancestors to survive, advance and cope with the various challenges they faced, which for a long time were mainly: to eat and not to be eaten. Our organisms are prepared to face a short-term physical emergency, a passing crisis, after which either we have not been eaten and we have eaten or the opposite, and little else can be done. Our reality is no longer what it was and most human beings no longer have to worry about not being eaten, although we have changed those stressors for more sophisticated ones. However, our brain does not seem to care if our problems are more complex and difficult to solve at the moment and activates the same physiological responses to an immediate problem as it does to concerns that are neither present nor tangible, but which affect us in the same way and can be prolonged indefinitely in time. Our organism is prepared to face these physiological changes that any mammal experiences in the face of danger and that allow it to survive, but when these responses are activated repeatedly or are not deactivated in an adequate way, they can become very harmful to our health. It does not mean that chronic and repeated stressors make us sick, but that they increase the risk that we will contract certain diseases (which are the ones that make us sick) or, if we already have one, they increase the risk that our defenses will be overwhelmed by it. We cannot change this increasingly stressful society, we cannot eliminate traffic jams, nor convince our boss to be more patient, nor avoid the loss of a loved one, nor avoid having to pay the mortgage every month, but we can (and we must if we want to preserve our health) change our attitude towards what causes us stress and anxiety. It is not an easy path, but it is a very beneficial one. The key is that not everyone is affected in the same way by very similar stressful situations. If we were to do a small study in a traffic jam we would see that not all drivers who are stuck in the same situation react in the same way. There are those who get desperate, tirelessly honk their horns, even though they know it will do no good, and even shout and insult the driver who has had the misfortune of being behind them. However, in that same traffic jam we will also find drivers who, faced with the same situation, and even worse, simply turn up the music, relax and wait for the traffic jam to end. Who do you think will live longer? Who is happier? Who would you like to be? 8 guidelines to overcome stress 1. Don't forget to enjoy life. Sometimes we take our goals so seriously that we lose our way. If by doing all those pending tasks that we have set for ourselves, and that will never end, we miss the good times, what is the point of it all? Try to live in the here and now, sometimes we worry so much about what is to come that we are not able to enjoy the present. Many times we live tormented by the "what ifs" and in most cases they are situations that will never happen. 3. It is useless to worry about what cannot be changed. Faced with certain unsolvable problems, such as death, it is better to try to modify our attitude. To fight against ghosts takes away energy that we can use to solve more immediate and tangible problems that can greatly improve our lives. 4. Although there are things in our environment that we cannot transform, there are others over which we can exercise some control. It is very useful to learn to organize our time better, establish priorities, make realistic schedules, avoid as much as possible certain situations, and also certain people that cause us stress, know how to say no, delegate responsibilities, etc. 5. Try to think positive: people who see the bottle half full instead of half empty usually suffer less stress. It is necessary to transform our inner dialogue and instead of telling ourselves how bad we are doing everything and how bad things are going to be, try to encourage and support ourselves with encouraging and positive phrases. 6. Strengthen your personal relationships and let yourself be helped. It is important to learn to ask for help. We are social and emotional beings and we need others, just as they need us. Maintaining a strong attitude in all situations can cause us a lot of stress. Sometimes we need to cry on someone else's shoulder, unburden ourselves and lean on the people around us. 7. There are many different relaxation techniques that can help you a lot such as diaphragmatic breathing, yoga, physical exercise, recreational activities... 8. Try to live changes as challenges and challenges, not as threats. You need to be a little more flexible and tolerate novelty better. We live in a world that is constantly changing and we are constantly having to adapt and face new challenges, and although reality is often not as we imagined it, as the great Woody Allen says: "In the end, life is all that happens to us while we were making other plans".

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